"Dear David, I am so grateful for all you
are doing to spread hope and give strength
to those who are bravely fighting cancer."
—Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

Write For Life:
Communicating Your Way Through Cancer
By David Tabatsky
(Create Space, 2013)

Each day, millions of people face traumatic change, when
everything familiar feels challenged. What if they began writing
about the experience? What if they took better control by
communicating more effectively and expressing their feelings?
What if their struggle becomes a source of inspiration?
Research indicates that expressive writing may contribute to
improved physical and emotional health. Welcome to Write for
, David Tabatsky’s groundbreaking guide to
communicating your way through cancer.

To support Write for Life programs and books, click here. Your donations are 100 percent tax deductible

The Write For Life Foundation
How Self-Expression Can Help You Survive
Life’s Greatest Crises

Each day, millions of people worldwide face traumatic,
frightening and highly unsettling changes, when everything
comfortable and familiar is suddenly called into question.
What if they began writing about their experiences? What if
they could take better control of their dire situations by

communicating more effectively and expressing their feelings? What if their struggles
actually became a source of inspiration, offering a fresh perspective on life’s priorities?

Twenty years of research indicates that expressive writing—dealing with one’s deepest
thoughts and feelings—may contribute to improved physical and emotional health. A study
in the medical journal, The Oncologist, revealed that patients who participated in a single,
20-minute writing session improved their outlook on cancer and their physical quality of life.

Expressive writing can be a therapeutic, educational and artistic tool for people coping with
chronic illness, life-changing challenges such as divorce, and other issues, including grief,
addiction and learning disabilities.

David Tabatsky is currently developing the Write For Life Foundation, dedicated to
providing writing workshops around the country for those in need. He is also at work on a
new book, Write for Life, intended for use as a supplement to his workshops and as a
stand-alone guide for those seeking to pursue expressive writing as a healing tool.

"It has been a pleasure to work with David Tabatsky through his
writing workshops for cancer patients and survivors at our annual
Celebration of Life. His energy, commitment and expertise have
enabled the participants to learn a valuable coping skill and begin to
process their experiences in a new and often healing way."

—Hester Hill Schnipper, Program Manager, Oncology Social Work
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA

Every 23 seconds, someone in the United States is diagnosed with cancer, and for these
people and their loved ones, that feeling of isolation isn’t going to go away on its own.

But now there is help. I Had Cancer is a social support network with the mission of helping
people deal more effectively with life before, during and after cancer.

The organization was created by Mailet Lopez, a cancer survivor, and the team at Squeaky
Wheel Media in New York City. I Had Cancer allows cancer survivors, fighters and those
newly diagnosed, along with their supporters—the friends and families of those affected—
to connect with one another and share their stories and experience of dealing with the
deadly disease.

So share your story today, and begin to discover that you are not alone.

David Tabatsy is a consultant for I Had Cancer, connecting the organization with other
cancer groups around the country, advising it on programming, and helping it to plan
upcoming projects, including the I Had Cancer Bus Tour: A People’s History of Cancer.

Since 2010, David Tabatsky has led expressive
writing workshops at cancer centers throughout the
United States. Among those that benefited from
David's Write to Fight Cancer program—which
instructs individuals in the physical and emotional
health benefits of creative writing—were attendees
at The Anderson Center in Houston, Texas; the
Lombardi Center at Georgetown in Washington, D.
C.; and Knight Cancer Institute at Oregon Health &
Science University in Portland, Oregon.
Workshops Sponsored by Genentech, Inc.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cancer Book: 101
Stories of Courage, Support & Love
By Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & David Tabatsky

This loving and inspirational collection of intimate stories—by
cancer patients and their loved ones, medical professionals,
clergy and friends—is a must-read for anyone affected by
cancer. Writers share their experiences, from their first
diagnoses, to breaking the news to loved ones, to living
through an ever-changing self-image and discovering a new
spirituality. Includes a bonus book: an uplifting and candid
memoir by cancer patient Elizabeth Bayer.

Special inspirational memoir inside The Cancer Book:
It's Just a Word: Reclaiming Your Life Through
By Elizabeth Bayer, Edited by David Tabatsky

Included in the pages of Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cancer
, this frank, inspirational memoir by the late Elizabeth
Bayer was written to help others view cancer differently, and to
encourage them to find positive aspects in their journey. "The
book is about how one can choose to accept a cancer
diagnosis," said Elizabeth, "and move through all that it brings
with gratitude and love."

Says Elizabeth's former physician, Becky Natrajan: "Elizabeth's
wisdom, humility and loving kindness not only had a great
bearing on her own survival, they altered my approach to
treating her and future patients—before and after surgery, and
throughout their entire recovery period."

"I highly recommend that attending physicians keep three copies of
Elizabeth's book in their office—one to read themselves, a second
for their staff to share, and a third in their reception area, for all of
their patients' benefit."
—Becky Natrajan, M.D., P.C.

"Elizabeth's unique perspective benefited us all. I would recommend
this book to anyone who has a cancer diagnosis touching their
—Steven J. Ketchel M.D. FACP, Arizona Oncology Associates

"It was inspiring to see how much the program resonated with everyone.
Several of the attendees said that the workshop improved the way they
think about cancer or other aspects of their lives. Thank you for
providing the attendees with a warm and safe environment where they
could explore and share their feelings."

—Ember Garrett and Mai-Lise Nguyen, Weber Shandwick and
Genentech Inc.