"Dear David, I am so grateful for all you
are doing to spread hope and give strength
to those who are bravely fighting cancer."

—Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

"Dear David, I am so glad I can use my
experience to help other woman. Your book
is a wonderful resource."

—Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, U.S.
Congresswoman (D-FL) and cancer survivor

Chicken Soup for the Soul:
The Cancer Book: 101 Stories
of Courage, Support & Love
By Jack Canfield, Mark Victor
Hansen & David Tabatsky
Includes the inspirational memoir, It's
Just a Word
, by Elizabeth Bayer
(Chicken Soup for the Soul
Publishing, 2009)

This loving and inspirational
collection of intimate stories—by
cancer patients and their loved
ones, medical professionals, clergy
and friends—is a must-read for
anyone affected by cancer. Writers
share their experiences, from their
first diagnoses, to breaking the news
to loved ones, to living through an
ever-changing self-image and
discovering a new spirituality.
Includes a bonus book: an uplifting
and candid memoir by cancer
patient Elizabeth Bayer (see below).


"Dear David, I am so grateful for all
you are doing to spread hope and
give strength to those who are
bravely fighting cancer."
Hillary Rodham Clinton, former
First Lady, U.S. Senator and
Secretary of State

"Dear David, I am so glad I can use
my experience to help other woman.
Your book is a wonderful resource."
Rep. Debbie Wasserman
U.S. Congresswoman (D-
FL) and cancer survivor

"David Tabatsky presented several
great talks and workshops last week
[June 2015] at CCI for staff,
volunteers cancer patients,
caregivers and survivors. His Write
for Life discussions and workshops
were inspiring. I strongly recommend
David to other cancer facilities!"
—Emily Pauli, Director of Research
at Clearview Cancer Institute,
Huntsville, Alabama

Special inspirational memoir
inside The Cancer Book:
It's Just a Word:
Reclaiming Your Life Through
By Elizabeth Bayer
Edited by David Tabatsky

Included in the pages of Chicken Soup for
the Soul: The Cancer Book
, this frank,
inspirational memoir by the late Elizabeth
Bayer was written to help others view
cancer differently, and to encourage them
to find positive aspects in their journey.
"The book is about how one can choose
to accept a cancer diagnosis," said
Elizabeth, "and move through all that it
brings with gratitude and love."

Says Elizabeth's former physician, Becky
Natrajan: "Elizabeth's wisdom, humility
and loving kindness not only had a great
bearing on her own survival, they altered
my approach to treating her and future
patients—before and after surgery, and
throughout their entire recovery period."

"I highly recommend that attending physicians keep three copies of Elizabeth's
book in their office—one to read themselves, a second for their staff to share,
and a third in their reception area, for all of their patients' benefit."
—Becky Natrajan, M.D., P.C.

"Elizabeth's unique perspective benefited us all. I would recommend this book
to anyone who has a cancer diagnosis touching their lives."
—Steven J. Ketchel M.D. FACP, Arizona Oncology Associates